Genre: Action Developer: Intelligent Systems System: NES

0000000 This will be a quick review because it was a quick game. Nothing about this game was particularly difficult. You can easily breeze through
it as an adult, but some parts are surprisingly difficult only because the current games that have come out for the past 20-30 years have been so easy. But once you get used to
the game mechanics and farming energy (you start out at 30 energy only each time you return to the game), it's not that difficult. At times, I felt farming energy to be quite
tedious, but at other times, I felt like it added to the charm of the game.
0000000 Despite being 8-bit and the sound limitations, this game does have some of the best soundtracks and graphics and I would even compare it
to games with modern sound and graphics. There are certain sound and graphic things it can't do, but the pixel art has its own appeal even today, and some people (such as myself)
really enjoy pixelated graphics. I'd like to share one of my favorite ocremixes down below, please take a listen. I'd like to draw special attention to the soundtrack for Kraid's
Lair. I just feel like this is one of the best sound tunes of all time, despite it being repetitive, it really helps a gamer get into the zone.
0000000 The level design and abilities, such as the screw attack was pretty interesting, and formed the basis for many of the series successors.
The screw attack in particular was particularly satisfying, as enemies that used to be difficult earlier on in the game were desimated easily just by jumping into a ball and touching
the enemy. Most of the appeal of the gameplay was discovering secret rooms which led to powerful powerups like missile upgrades and energy tanks. The secrets required just enough
creativity that it was just really fun to try and find everything. I would rate this game a 7 for difficulty, simply because the end boss (The Mother Brain) was surprisingly difficult to beat, even with all the power ups, energy tanks,
most of the missile upgrades, and Varia Suit. And that's even playing as an adult.
0000000 I can't rate this game too high since it was so short, but I think every male child should be required to enjoy and beat this game.
~ Adam Henderson
The Crimson Depths
Kraid's Lair
Game Difficulty Rating:
80% Beautiful and took full advantage of the color palette of the NES
90% Set the base melody for many soundtracks that came after
100% Was the basis for an entire genre of games.
80% Just fun. Farming was a bit annoying sometimes though.
10% 15 hours of quality, enjoyable gameplay.
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